Friday, August 30, 2013

Writing Friday: Character Quotes

Lady Aimee Dawson from Swept to Sea
Matthew Emery from Swept to Sea

Hello, everyone!

So, some of you told me that on these weekly writing posts, you would like to hear about my own novel, Swept to Sea.

That's what I'll do today!

Some of my writer friends in the Go Teen Writers group have been doing character quotes using a quote from their character and a photo.

I loved that and did it for my own characters, so I will share the ones I came up with with you all today. :)

Lady Eden Trenton from Swept to Sea

Captain Caspian Archer from Swept to Sea

Lady Ivy Shaw from Swept to Sea

Captain Gage Thompson from Carried Home

What do you think of these quotes? Do you like them?


  1. Ooh! Cool! I really like this idea!

    Poor Aimee ;) Eden's quote is awesome!

    1. Thanks, Cortney! I thought it was a great idea when I saw it. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Cool idea, and interesting quotes! Lol, a rat! :D

    1. Thanks, Nathan! Haha that may be my favorite quote ever.


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear from you.